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MyEthShop Commerce

Settle business needs using cryptocurrency
A few minutes can do
Low cost
As cheap as few HKD only
Details available on blockchain
No Censorship
Serve all amounts and regions


Tailormade recommendations for your business
Technical Support
Wallet Setup and Guidance

Commonly Seen Questions


Q:How to determine the BTC quantity given the price volatility?
A:We recommend using stable coin to settle, which minimizes the price fluctuation risk as its price is softly pegged to USD.
Q:How long does it take to complete the transfer?
A:It normally takes around 2 mins if you are using an ERC20 token.
Q:What is the cost of making such transfer?
A:There is no charge from us, your cost is usually within HK$2 for each transfer, paying to the miners.
Q:Could the receiver view the transaction?
A:The receiver could view the details of the transaction immediately after the transfer is initiated.
Q:Could I transfer to any country or region in the world?
A:You could transfer to receivers in any country, of any amount, at any time.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Lion Rock 72, 1/F, InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Please notify us before your visit to our office, lest we maybe out due to lunch or other issues
DISCLAIMER: The content of this webpage is not an investment advice and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to offer or recommendation of any investment product. It is for general purposes only and does not take into account your individual needs, investment objectives and specific financial circumstances. Investment involves risk, you shall consider your personal financial condition, investment objective and experience, risk tolerance level, and ability to understand the properties and risks associated with each investment product. You may also seek for independent professional advice if needed, while any investment decision being entirely on your own independent judgement.